Everything Counts – DFS Management Training 2018

Every year DFS sets aside time to bring together our onsite directors, manager and HR support staff for a DFS Management Training & Conference.  The event goes by a number of names….training, retreat, conference, meeting.  Whatever we choose to call it, it’s certainly an event that we all look forward to every year.  This year, the event theme was “Everything Counts”.  We posted Success Posters around the office that highlighted a success at each and every one of our locations.  No matter how big or how small, “Everything Counts” and this year we celebrate success!

Usually during the event we talk about client relations, new forms, new technology, and other resources that are important for our teams to be successful.  This year though, we focused totally on the development of our employees.  We focused on developing management skills.  We focused on communication tools and developing the skills to help us listen, and respond, to our employees and our colleagues.  We learned, we grew, we became a stronger team.

It’s not all about classes and training though.  There are some activities and fun mixed into the two days we spend together.  Overall though, it brings a team of people together who are spread out across the US.  We talk to, learn from, have fun with, and listen to each other.  We have the time to connect with people we don’t see every day.  And it reminds us how many people are all working towards the same goal, every day.  No matter where you are – whether it be San Antonio, New York, Burbank or Alsip – we’re all working together!  We’re reminded that together we can make a difference in our employees’ lives and all of those around us.  WE can influence other people’s daily lives.  WE make the world a little cleaner. WE make an impact.  #DFS2018 #EverythingCounts”