Giving Thanks this 2020 Holiday Season

Giving Thanks this 2020 Holiday Season

As 2020 comes to an end, I am reflecting on all that has changed and the challenges we faced this year. From a global pandemic, an economic crisis, record breaking unemployment and a national conversation about  institutional racism, 2020 has challenged us in ways no one could have ever imagined. 

I would normally begin this letter with all of our successes throughout the year, and while we had many, I would be remiss if I did not discuss the unfortunate times we have faced that directly impacted our friends, family, coworkers, customers and partners.  Many of us felt the pain of 2020 which directly changed our lives.  Many lost family members and friends to this COVID19 pandemic; some lost jobs or the ability to make a living with reduced hours and businesses shutting down; some had to make significate changes as a result of our children not being in school or the need to take care of an elderly parent. To say 2020 has been a challenge both personally and professionally would be an understatement. 

To our employees, thank you for all the hard work, dedication and commitment to our customers.  You are all on the frontline in this fight against the pandemic.  You are the reason our customers, students, first responders, traveling public and hospital staff can feel a little safer in these unusual times.  Your unwavering commitment in making sure our facilities were clean and free from this virus does not go unnoticed and I truly thank each of you from the bottom of my heart! 

To our customers, thank you for your continued support though our struggles.  Despite these difficult times, our work   progressed, you shifted your business and daily routines to make sure our employees remained safe and with minimal impact to their lives.  You understood the need to shift our focus and to change the way we do business in order to deliver a quality product.   We are truly inspired by your commitment to making a difference in these challenging times. On behalf of all DFS employees I say, THANK YOU!

To our suppliers and business partners, thank you for working tirelessly to maintain our supply chain, develop new products and procedures, and for supporting our operations in delivering service to our clients in an ever-changing environment.   Your flexibility and commitment to our staff is truly appreciated and we couldn’t have been successful without you!

In closing, with all the challenges, we faced in 2020 the future looks bright.  We are all stronger, smarter and more resilient then ever before.  We love a little harder, support our children a little more, and celebrate the differences of others without judgement.  We have become a better company because of you!   I am so thankful for all of you and wish you and your families nothing but the best in 2021.

Stay safe and have a blessed holiday seasons.

Mark Wright


DFS COVID-19 Response – A Letter to Our Customers


To Our Customers,

All of us at DFS take our responsibility to serve our community very seriously as we know our customers depend on us — especially during times of crisis.  With COVID-19 evolving daily, we are continually evaluating what we must do to meet the needs of our customers while also keeping our community and employees safe.  Over the past two weeks we have implemented several measures to make sure our facilities are being cleaned and disinfected with the utmost care and detail.  We have worked closely with our suppliers, partners and customers to make sure our supply chain of required products can be met and delivered on-time.  I would like to thank all of you for your assistance during these trying times and ensure you that our employees continue to work hard to ensure safe and clean facilities for everyone.

Listed below are protocols that have been implemented to ensure safety of our employees working at your facilities.  Understanding no two facilities are alike, we have asked our Site Managers to work with facility management to ensure we can accomplish what is needed to comply.

Promoting Social Distancing:

  • Managers have been instructed to review all work schedules and adjust start and end times to eliminate employees gathering at the time clock.  Employees are required to wear gloves when using the main time clock, and disinfectant will be used between shifts to clean each punch surface.
  • Where applicable, we have activated the ability for employees to punch in via an app on their personal phones, should they wish to do so.  All transactions are monitored via geofencing technology.
  • Break times and areas are being modified to make sure our employees have ample room and maintain the 6-foot space requirement recommended by the CDC.
  • Supply rooms and equipment are being distributed so that employees will not have to gather in a common space at the same time.

Procedure Requirements:

  • PPE is always required while in the facility.  This includes the use of gloves and goggles.  Under special circumstances, as required by our SOP’s, protective gowns and face masks are also required.
  • Mandatory hand washing every 30 minutes regardless of task or assignment.
  • For our locations in NY, CA and IL affected by the “Stay in Place Orders,” letters have been distributed to each employee identifying them as “Essential Needs Employees” with a company contact number, should anyone have questions.  Employees are only allowed to present that letter while going to and from work.  We are encouraging our employees to comply with their respective order otherwise.

Please know that we are committed to taking every measure possible to keep our customers and employees safe and healthy so we can continue to service your facility during this much needed time.  We will also be communicating with you if and when we have additional updates or information to share.  You can also get updates on our social media platforms at any time.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mark Wright, President/ CEO

A message from our President & CEO this Thanksgiving 2019

Dear DFS Family, Customers and Friends,

The holiday season is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the successes of the past year while also looking forward to opportunities in the rapidly approaching New Year. Here at DFS, we are celebrating our many achievements in 2019 and gearing up for a remarkable 2020. We are also taking the time to appreciate all of the customers and partners who make our success possible.

Of course, I must first thank and express my appreciation for the remarkable group of people who come to work at DFS and bring value to our customers. Our dedicated employees work tirelessly each and every day to ensure our brand remains the best in the industry. You are the only reason DFS continues to be successful and flourish year after year, and for that, I say Thank You!

In 2019, we saw a continuation of our tremendous growth, now with more than 60 customer accounts and more than 1600 employees across the United States. We grew so much that we had to practically double the size of our corporate support staff to further support our operations. It is such an exciting time to be at DFS!

We also entered a new market in K-12 education facilities, partnering with Sodexo Magic, for three large zones within the Chicago Public School system. While DFS has been a premiere service provider for higher education facilities for many years, this opportunity gives us additional education experience that will open new markets in 2020 and beyond.

To our customers and partners, we appreciate each and every one of you, and we are thankful that you have decided to give us an opportunity to support your facility needs. Our team of professionals appreciate your support over the years, and we look forward to many more. I’m often asked by our potential customers “what sets DFS apart from the others?” and my answer is, and has always been, that our entire team simply CARES. We may not get it right all the time, but I know our team will do anything to make sure you are taken care of and all issues are resolved with satisfaction.

From the entire DFS Family, we wish you a happy and prosperous holiday filled with success, happiness and good health.

Mark Wright

President & CEO

Airport Service Quality Awards 2018 – THREE DFS WINNERS!

Three Airports are #1 in their respective categories…three airports where you can find DFS employees working every day, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  We couldn’t be happier for our customers – Congratulations!  And we couldn’t be prouder of the DFS professionals that support them! Thank You!