by Ryan | Apr 4, 2017 | Blog
How many times have you had to review your budget and make some tough decisions? We’ve all done it. No business, building, or campus is immune to budget cuts. When it comes to janitorial services, reducing staff has a big impact on the team’s ability to maintain existing service levels. When your building occupants have become accustomed to a level of service and those expectations aren’t met, things become that much more challenging. But cutting costs doesn’t always mean you’re forced to reduce staff, and reduce services. Review the different facets of your janitorial program to identify areas for costs savings without necessarily trimming staff and chopping services.
Purchasing ‘ready-to-use’ chemicals is expensive, creates a lot of waste, and opens the door for human error. Distributing individual bottles of glass cleaner, multipurpose cleaner and disinfectant to supply closets can be cumbersome and wastes so much time. With dilution control systems chemicals are purchased in concentrated form and dispensed using the proper chemical dose so that employees don’t have to manually dilute. Prelabeled spray bottles are easily filled when empty with the same diluted chemical solution. Dilution control systems generate less waste, eliminate the opportunity to overuse concentrated chemical, and save money.
Advanced floor machines increase productivity. Floor technicians can cover a greater area of floor, in less time, with the appropriate floor machine. Technicians can also adjust the level of dilution for different areas and different floors. A heavily soiled floor may require a stronger chemical solution while in other areas only water is appropriate. A technician can adjust without having to empty and refill tanks as often. Time is money right? When productivity rises, your program benefits. Employees can be moved to areas that need more attention, or frequencies can be improved.
Partner with Your Contractor
You’ve hired an expert with the knowledge and experience to support your facility. Partner with your janitorial service provider. Get recommendations for more efficient cleaning methods, identify cost saving options, and create a relationship you can depend on.
by Ryan | Feb 27, 2017 | Blog

Nope. This is just DFS President & CEO, Mark Wright (right) and VP of Finance, Charles Cole (left) onsite for a new account startup earlier this month and they didn’t show up alone.
“This is how we’ve always done it. We bring as many people in as we need and I’ve been a part of startups forever” says Mark. “It’s a chance to meet our newest team members and interact with them in their work environment. Our team members are our greatest asset and it’s my goal to be sure they are properly trained and have access to the right tools to get the job done.”
So, Mark showed up on day one of a new contract and brought most of the Alsip office with him. “Operations ran the show but everyone pitched in,” said Executive VP Barb Distasio. The team assembled machines, cleaned and setup the custodial office & break room, stocked inventory, performed QC checks and held extensive onsite training sessions.

Ask anyone at DFS, Mark won’t ever say no when someone asks for support. “I want our teams to be successful and anything I can do to support that, I’m happy to do. Today, I scrubbed floors and stocked inventory with our Operations team. Tomorrow, I’m at a vendor interview with our Sales team. I have a great group of people working with me, and I’m always available to help out.”
by Ryan | Jan 24, 2017 | Blog
It’s probably because a large part of your budget gets allocated to janitorial services and that is always a huge motivation to make sure that program works well. Then, if you are managing an in-house team of custodians and supervisors you’re probably spending a lot of time trying to train and develop your team while also making sure they have all the tools necessary to complete the job efficiently. And last, but not least, your building occupants are YOUR customers and you have a lot of them!
It’s hard to match the efficiency levels that outsourced janitorial services can provide with in-house employees for one simple fact: we specialize in this! Companies that provide professional cleaning services to other companies have specialized equipment, supplies and training. It’s part of the whole package. We have access to vendors, training programs, industry experts, and typically a pool of employees for vacation and sick employee replacement. We can support you and your operation, and do what we do best, clean!
Many facility managers are juggling a variety of responsibilities that can range from janitorial services to key control, utilities to space management, and construction projects to waste removal. Still, even more often, facility managers have a small team to support all of these programs. Managing a janitorial team can eat up a lot of your time, and energy. There are a variety of programs offered by professionals that are designed to manage the full scope of cleaning services, or supplement an existing in-house program. Let’s talk. Let us help.
by Ryan | Dec 21, 2016 | Blog
Ever look at some of the floors in your building and think there is no way it’ll ever look clean? Don’t give up just yet! DFS team members in California were able to restore floors in a break room and it looks like new…just take a look at what DFS can do.

by Ryan | Dec 19, 2016 | Blog
Thanks for trusting in our service and being a part of our year.

by Ryan | Nov 14, 2016 | Blog

The term ‘Regularly’ here is a general term used to describe a scheduled or planned frequency that occurs repeatedly within a set time-frame. The true definition of ‘Regularly’ here is directly related to several variables including:
- the amount of traffic and regular traffic patterns in your facility, and
- the method of carpet cleaning taking place (spot cleaning, deep cleaning, maintenance)
For example, we wouldn’t recommend deep cleaning your home carpet at the same frequency that we deep clean carpets in a busy building. The traffic in your home vs. a building that sees thousands of people daily is very different. While your home carpet probably needs a deep cleaning annually (or semi-annually if you have kids and/or pets), a busy airport might need deep cleaning of some carpets up to 4 times/year! Either way, the same general principles apply; if a carpet is getting any sort of use, ‘regular’ spot cleaning, ‘regular’ maintenance and ‘regular’ deep cleaning needs to happen.
Here are the Top 3 Reasons to Get Carpets Cleaned Regularly
- It extends the life of the carpet. Regular cleaning (spot cleaning, daily maintenance, and deep cleaning) can increase the lifespan of the carpet significantly and protects that investment.
- Removes trapped pollutants and improves indoor air quality: pollutants, soil, debris and stains can get ground in and stuck in the pile of the carpet. Regular deep cleaning removes those pollutants from carpets that generally trap airborne pollutants.
- Prevents buildup of allergens, bacteria and mold: most stains and soiling of carpets can result in the buildup of several unhealthy contaminants. Especially in areas with high humidity levels, dirty carpets are at a high risk of developing mold growth when exposed to moisture.
Remember, it’s important not to over-do-it! If your carpets don’t need to be extracted on a monthly basis, then don’t do it. When it comes to adding moisture to the carpet, you want that done as few times as possible. While necessary for deep cleaning, adding moisture to a carpet over and over can result in more stains and other environmental issues. Spot cleaning and other daily maintenance methods can be effective methods of interim cleaning between appropriately schedule deep cleaning projects.
Want to know more? Interested in carpet cleaning services for your facility? Contact us at